Complaint processing procedure
The AQPV is concerned with the quality of the services it provides to victims who wish to obtain information, be referred to resources that can help them, be supported in their efforts, and to be heard. We encourage any victim who considers that their rights under LAPVIC have not been recognized, and who wishes to express their dissatisfaction with the quality of services received from the AQPV, to address their concerns in writing directly to the person in question before resorting to an official complaint mechanism.
The person who receives a letter of complaint from a victim is responsible for notifying AQPV Executive Director and informing him or her of the nature of the complaint.
If the victim’s complaint is not resolved during this preliminary step, or if the victim prefers not to address his or her complaint directly to the person concerned, an official complaint may be submitted to the Executive Director using the straightforward, accessible approach described below. The principles of impartiality, confidentiality, vigilance and respect for victims’ rights are applied at every step of this process.
The AQPV undertakes to protect the personal information of all complainants and persons concerned by a complaint in compliance with the Act respecting the protection of personal information and any related policies currently in effect.
Person responsible for complaint reception
The person who holds the position of Executive Director is responsible for receiving complaints and informing the Board of Directors within 48 hours. In cases where the Executive Director is not able to receive a complaint or is personally involved, the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors will receive the complaint.
Véronique Poulin, Executive Director
Complaint submission procedure
Crime victims who wish to submit a complaint to the AQPV may do so by email, regular mail or fax within 30 working days of the event in question. Victims may also designate a representative to submit their complaint. To ensure that we clearly understand the cause of the victim’s dissatisfaction and better respond to their needs, we ask that victims provide us with all relevant information (as indicated below) and fully explain the difficulties they encountered.
- Date of submission of the complaint.
- Name of the complainant or his or her representative.
- Name of the person(s) concerned by the complaint.
- Date(s) of the event(s) in question.
- Detailed description of the situation, including any pertinent information that will facilitate our analysis of the complaint.
- In the event of an allegation of a violation or denial of rights guaranteed under LAPVIC, the complainant must specify which right is alleged to have been violated or denied and explain why.
- Complainant’s expectations regarding the outcome of the complaint.
- Contact information where the victim or his or her representative may be reached in order to inform them of the outcome of the complaint.
Right of the victims to be informed of the outcome of the complaint
The person responsible for complaint reception is also responsible for informing the victim of the outcome of his or her complaint. In the interest of diligence, the person responsible will transmit a written acknowledgement of receipt by email, regular mail or fax within five business days of receipt of the complaint.
After the complaint has been analyzed, the victim will be informed in writing of the outcome as well as of any measures or changes that have been made, if applicable. In respect of victims’ rights, this document will be drafted in clear, precise language in a style that takes into account their specific needs.
Complaint processing
The person responsible for complaint reception is also responsible for their analysis.
Any complaint received by the Executive Director will be examined within the next 30 business days, during which time the Executive Director must communicate his or her analysis and decision to the Board of Directors, which will then have 30 days to ratify it. The Executive Director will then have five business days to inform the victim of the outcome of his or her complaint.
Any complaint submitted to the President or Vice-President will be examined within the next 30 business days, during which time the President or Vice-President must communicate his or her analysis and decision to the Board of Directors, which will then have 30 days to ratify it. The President or Vice-President will then have five business days to inform the victim of the outcome of his or her complaint.
In the event that the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant, the complaint will be forwarded to the Board of Directors, which will process it in full respect of victims’ rights.
Complaint processing period
The AQPV undertakes to process all complaints within a maximum of 70 business days of their receipt.
Contact information and business hours
Association québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes
206-8615 Saint-Laurent Boulevard
Montréal (Québec) H2P 2M9
Telephone: 514-526-9037
Fax: 514-526-9951
Our offices are open Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.